Top 5 Vegetables for Container Gardens

Top 5 Vegetables for Container Gardens

It's always rewarding to grow vegetables, even if you live in a small apartment or a cramped condo. Container gardening is the next best thing for people who enjoy gardening but don't have a lot of space to grow plants. The good thing is that there are so many...

Growing A Front Yard Edible Garden – the Sneaky Way

Growing A Front Yard Edible Garden – the Sneaky Way

If you lack the space for a full-scale garden, you can still grow your fresh fruits, vegetables and culinary herbs in your own [easyazon_link identifier="1607742330" locale="US" tag="edibleterrace-20"]front yard edible garden[/easyazon_link]. Front Yard Vegetable...

Can You Grow Pumpkins in Containers?

Can You Grow Pumpkins in Containers?

Who does NOT love the idea of growing your own pumpkins? Think of how amazing your pie will taste from a pumpkin you harvested right out your back door? OR, how much easier Halloween will be without having to run out and buy them so the kids can have their fun? Hey, I...

Learn How Growing Dwarf Fruit Trees In Containers Is Doable

Learn How Growing Dwarf Fruit Trees In Containers Is Doable

The thought of having your very own fruit trees is a wonderful idea, but growing full-size ones might not be a good option for those of us with small gardening spaces. Full size trees require a lot of care and space. You might have better luck growing dwarf fruit...

Learn How Easy It Is To Grow Vegetables Indoors In The Winter

Learn How Easy It Is To Grow Vegetables Indoors In The Winter

Growing your own vegetables (Backyard to Table!) іѕ incredibly satisfying. Growing your own vegetables year round regardless of the weather is even more satisfying! When the weather has taken a turn for the worse and the last thing you want to do is head to the...

Planting Seed Potatoes in Containers: It’s Easier than You Think

Planting Seed Potatoes in Containers: It’s Easier than You Think

Whether baked, julienned for French Fries, mashed, or shredded for hash browns, we all love our potatoes. The problem is the pesticides they spray our veggies with to keep the bugs away, and the fact that you have to anti-up your first born to buy them organically in...

Can You Grow Watermelon in a Container?

Can You Grow Watermelon in a Container?

SO many people ask can you grow watermelon in a container? Surprisingly, growing watermelon in containers is more common than you think. I found two tutorials online that cover all the bases for us gardeners who are interested in growing watermelon in pots. [toc]...

Tips For How To Grow Tomatoes In A Pot – The Easy Way

Tips For How To Grow Tomatoes In A Pot – The Easy Way

Do you ever wonder why store bought tomatoes have SO little taste? This is because many are flash frozen before they are completely ripened, and then packaged and shipped. During the shipping, they defrost and the extra water dilutes the taste. <BLEK!> Other...

The 7 Best Tips On How To Grow Cantaloupe in Containers

The 7 Best Tips On How To Grow Cantaloupe in Containers

In this ongoing series, we are going to cover how to grow cantaloupe in containers. Who doesn't love the idea of going right outside one's door to pick the fruit you are going to eat for the very next meal?!?   How To Start Melon Seeds First, a little piece of trivia....

How to Grow Beans in Containers – 3 Helpful Resources

How to Grow Beans in Containers – 3 Helpful Resources

The term beans can mean SO many things! Green beans, soy beans, dried beans, broad beans – and the list goes on. In this article, I will not only tell you how to grow beans in containers but also talk about the beans based on the plant itself-bush beans, pole beans or...

8 Container Vegetable Gardening Ideas That Will Inspire You

8 Container Vegetable Gardening Ideas That Will Inspire You

You want to start a vegetable garden because you are tired of how much you're paying (for trying to eat healthy!) for fruits and vegetables at the local grocery store. Additionally, you might be concerned about pesticides and the other host of issues surrounding...

Hello. Hello. I am soooo happy you are here. Do you want to grow your own food too? You know it’s a beautiful thing to walk 20 steps out your back door and pick fresh lettuce, bell peppers and oregano for the salad you’re about to make. I do that almost every day and it’s an amazing feeling! Learn more about me here.