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what to get a gardener for christmas

Yep. It’s THATTIME! Are you searching out fun presents for family and friends, young and old? And of course, you wouldn’t be here if you did not have a gardening lover on your gift list.

I discovered gardening only a few years ago but let me tell you, it is an addicting (in a good way) hobby! Of course, it can also be an expensive one as well. That’s why we gardeners are SO appreciative when we receive gifts that support our favorite pastime-and in some cases lifestyle. For people like me, edible gardening is a way of life. Let’s talk about what to get a gardener for Christmas shall we?

Below, I have rounded up several Pinteresting articles with gift ideas for gardeners. I found several blogs with unique gift ideas for gardeners and others with more useful presents for a gardener.

Anndddd, because it is such a good idea to teach our kids that gift giving is so much better than gift receiving, I found some great kid friendly Christmas gift craft ideas as well.

Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Gardeners

Gardening Presents For Women

This article written by yours truly lists out 19 useful, helpful or just downright fun gardening presents for women. There are also some great gardening stocking stuffers in here as well.

Mason Jar Gift Ideas for the Gardener

I have a secret fetish for mason jars. Shhh. Let’s not announce that to the world okay? I use them for everything from freezing my beans to housing fun Christmas gifts. Granted the blogger talks about Mother’s Day gifts in this article, but a gift is still a gift and this one is universal enough to be appreciated any time of year.

You could involve the kids in this project too!

Indoor Gardening Gifts

Does your gardener live in one of those cold, snowy places? Then an indoor gardening present will be SO appreciated when the doldrums of January and February come around, she is stuck indoors and would kill to look at something green! Seriously!!

Useful Gardening Gift Ideas for Men

Are you shopping for one of those kind of guys that likes useful presents? Then this post is for you. All of these gifts will be much appreciated as they will make life a little easier or more fun in the garden. Fun, you ask? How about a Flame Throwing Butane Weeder?!? Muwahahaha!!!



18 Top Gifts For Gardeners Based On Amazon’s Most Wished For Gifts List

This list compiled in late 2017 makes it easy for you to choose a Christmas gift for your gardener. The beauty in this is you do not have to agonize over whether or not he will like the gift or find it useful as these items are tops on the list for every gardener who shops on Amazon. Easy peasy.

DIY Beach Fairy Garden

I could not resist adding this to the mix as I am a gardener AND beach lover (moved to No Flo from Key Largo in 2016). In fact, there are many of us out there! If you added real plants (maybe air plants?) to the terrarium, you could turn it into a live indoor garden.

This is an adorable present that would be loved by anybody who receives it. G.U.A.R.A.N.T.E.E.D!

Gardening Gifts For Kids

Do you know of any kids (maybe even your own) who are already showing a mini green thumb? Or just simply love to play outside? Then I have some gift ideas for you here. All ages are included. Toddler up to the 11-12 year old range.

DIY Gifts For Gardeners

This round up article shows 15 cute, cute DIY garden gift ideas. I am particularly in love with the chalkboard flower pots and the garden glove rack (Oh riigghhtt! That’s where I laidthosedown!)

Include the kids here too.

Indoor Mason Jar Herb Garden

I know. Here we go again with Amy’s mason jar fetish. But seriously, how much fun are these?!? Here is what I am picturing. Your gardener loves to make cocktails so you make up a mason jar herb cocktail kit with herbs such as mint and basil in it. Or, does your gardener love to make Italian food? Well then, you can hook them up with thyme, rosemary, oregano, etc.

Gift Basket Ideas For Gardeners

Part of me thinks gift baskets are quite the 90’s thing and the other part of me still really likes them and I should consider them a “timeless” type of gift.

This article gives several really adorable suggestions and ideas on the kinds of gift baskets you can make for your gardener – depending on her interests. For example, the author has a bird lover basket with a cute birdhouse and various types of bird food in it. Another one is a tin with fairy garden supplies in it.

This is another kid friendly project.


When you want to know what to get a gardener for Christmas just come here! I have all the answers for you. And you can be sure that any of these gifts will be absolutely loved and appreciated.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours. May yours be so blessed!

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