
Do you want to live a healthier and longer life?
Become a vegetarian!

Health And Wellness Is Yours With A Plant Based Lifestyle

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Find out everything you need to know in order to begin a vegetarian Starting Today.

Get the Comprehensive and Easy To Follow 81-page eBook The Complete Handbook to Vegetarian and Vegan Living” to start your journey toward a longer, fuller life.

Discover exactly how to effectively eliminate meat from your diet.

Explore the abundant choices available with a vegetarian diet 

Get the exact nutrition with a vegetarian lifestyle to improve your health 

Start fast with 17 delicious and healthy recipes


Available For a
Limited Time Only!

Compensating for Common Nutritional Deficiencies in Vegan and Vegetarian Diets 38-page guide

Start-Up Blueprint giving you links to my 17 favorite vegetarian recipes, menu ideas from our own kitchen and many other tips to get you started!

$19.99 Only $9.99.

Take 50% off with coupon code VEGGIE50

With this bundle, you will have everything you need to start your new Plant Based Lifestyle TODAY!

I am SO committed to your success that
I will give you a 12 month money back guarantee!

I’m the only one of my parents 4 children to not have weight or health issues and I find it so much easier to raise healthy kids when we can all focus on plant based foods instead of meat or dairy products.
Being vegan also helps myself and 2 little girls not eat as many processed foods because there’s a lot of processed foods with non vegan ingredients, that you wouldn’t think aren’t vegan.

Shawna Clapper

Hi, my name is Amy!

I was a heavy meat eater for the majority of my life. You could seldom find a vegetable on my plate. A few years ago though, my health detioriated for no apparent reason.

I was incapacitated with fatigue and could barely work. My doc was threatening to put me on statins because I had high cholesterol. I was struggling with my memory.

I was scared! I was too young for this!

Frustrated, scared and exhausted my doctors still had no answers. If I was going to get better, I had to make a decision. So I took matters into my own hands. After researching my symptoms, I was shocked to realize the problem was my diet.

But I had NO idea what to DO!

Going Vegetarian worked.

My fatigue is gone. I NOW am completely medicine free. And my memory improved drastically. (I no longer leave the stove on by accident. Eek!)

But I also have found out I wasn’t alone in this. Others are going through the same thing as me.

Whenever I eat a plant-based meal, I never feel heavy or sleepy and I rarely get sick. While I initially made the transition for health reasons, eating this way aligns with my core beliefs to do as little harm to animals, the planet, and to my body.

Mariah Dunn

Vegetarianism is a proven way to accomplish your health goals...

Friends and family will be shocked when you've lost weight and look and feel better without medicine.

But if you’re like me, you may be feeling fear, uncertainty and doubt
about becoming a vegetarian because…

You Love Meat

There are currently a ton of great tasting alternatives to meat.

Animal protein is the sole cause of artery-clogging cholesterol. Your choice, like mine, is to take advantage of healthy alternatives or risk heart disease.

It Takes Too Long to Prepare

Eating healthy doesn’t take more time to prepare, it takes more time to plan. 

If planning scares you or you don’t know how to get started, I’m giving you 17 recipes so you can get started fast.

You Don't Eat Vegetables

Vegetarian based meals taste great when you’ve got great recipes. Did you know, when you roast a sweet potato, the flavor is completely different?

Your meals will not be limited to just vegetables though. You can also have pasta, rice, beans, whole grains, and SO much more.

Your Family Will Object

Include them in the meal planning. Make it fun.

Start gradually. Meatless Monday. Or try substitutions. Meatless ground beef for the beef in your spaghetti. Vegetarian lasagna vs meat based. Meatless chili with beans.

Educate them on the benefits. Have a taste testing night.

It's Expensive

Eating vegetables and fruit when they’re in season lowers the cost dramatically (plus in season vegetables taste amazing).

Do you know how expensive meat is? Remember that last time you wanted to make a pot roast for your family? $18 – just for the roast. Big pot of meatless chili. $9.00

It's Just Too Weird

Did you know there’s been a 600% increase in people identifying as vegans in the U.S in the last three years.

It’s not as weird as you think. Also, major health organizations such as Kaiser Permanente and the American Institute for Cancer Research are recommending a plant-based diet for better health.

It's Too Hard

Very few people are meat eaters today and vegetarians tomorrow. Start small.

Work up to eating meatless 3 nights a week. Then it’s much simpler to make the full transition.

What Are You Going To Eat

Once you start looking for vegetarian recipes, you will be surprised at the countless ones out there that taste great.

Make substitutions in your current meals. Do you make hamburgers often? Substitute a veggie burger for it.

Eat Like A Royal While Boosting Your Health!

Don’t Give Up Your Favorite Dishes

Discover ways to enjoy your favorite dishes
including pizza, burgers, and tacos.

Everything You Need To Know To Go Vegetarian Right Now

No guesswork involved!

The “Complete Handbook to Vegetarian and Vegan Living” goes beyond a simple definition of vegetarianism.

I detail what’s included in the 7 different types of vegetarian diets and the principles behind each type of plan.

 This Guide offers comprehensive information for becoming a vegetarian so you can achieve easily achieve wellness.

 It’s your complete guide with do’s and don’ts of going vegetarian.

Written To Increase Your Chances Of Success… Avoid Pitfalls…and To Make The Transition To A Plant Diet Smooth And Easy For Your And Your Family!

$19.99 Only $9.99.
Take 50% off with coupon code VEGGIE50

For 6 years I dealt with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease and pre-diabetes.

I tried many different diets and my results did not change. I was exercising regularly and still not seeing any improvement. I decided to make a big change and went meat free, dairy free and gluten free.

I started to feel better about a month into the change. My skin looked better, aches and pains were diminishing and I was also losing weight.

At my yearly doctor’s appointment, I received blood test results that shocked my doctor! For the first time in many years I was healthy on the inside.

My liver was healed, I was able to stop taking my blood pressure medication and even received a huge hug from my doctor. I am down 50 pounds, have more energy and do not miss any of the old foods.

Erika Dawn

Don’t make your health problems worse…

Without proper education and sound meal planning, vegetarianism runs the risk of serious complications.

For example:

  • Weight gain
  • High sugar
  • Nutrition deficiencies
  • Low protein
  • Fatigue
  • And more

You could potentially cause more problems than you solve.

These are all areas easily avoided though.

Everything You Need to Know to Go Vegetarian Today

Your Journey To Healthy, Vegetarian Living Starts Here!

The Complete Handbook to Vegetarian and Vegan Living has a full list of what you need to do and what you need to avoid once you decide to follow a vegetarian diet. You’ll understand what you can eat and get beginner tips to help you ease into a healthy and balanced plant-based diet.

Get Your Copy TODAY!

Take this eBook with you on the road to better health, vitality, and optimal nutrition!

Comes With The BONUS 38-page Compensating for Common Nutritional Deficiencies in Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Guide AND My Resource Guide giving you 17 vegetarian recipes you can make today along with my own personal tips and tricks for getting started on the right foot.

These 3 Guides will ensure you get ALL the knowledge you need to get started on your new Plant Based Lifestyle TODAY!

$19.99 Only $9.99.
Take 50% off with coupon code VEGGIE50

I am SO committed to your success that I will give you a 12 month money back guarantee!